I am going to be doing a wedding blog post (of course) but I want to wait until I get my photos back from Drey before I post all my thoughts and feelins. But I do just want to thank everyone that was part of our big day! It was almost overwhelming the amount of love and support that we felt throughout the day. Even with things going not the way I planned it was the most absolute perfect day and it couldn't have been possible without our amazing support group that pulled it all off. It was a wild wild day but I wouldn't have changed anything!
So be looking forward to that post in the future. I will be writing it over time just so I don't miss any small details, so just be prepared for a doozy of a post when it comes!
So let's start this blog post off with the honeymoon! If you didn't already figure it out Zach and I went to Tennessee for our honeymoon! We were extremely excited about it, but most people thought it was pretty weird haha, at least until we got back and then everyone thought we were cool as heck.
On Sunday we had a flight out of Sky Harbor at 5 am. Our first flight took us to Charlotte, NC. It was a 4 hour plane ride, but we slept for most of it because it was so early in the morning. Once we landed we had to make our way across the world's largest terminal in Charlotte's airport during our 1 hour layover. Our next flight was only an hour long and it brought us to Knoxville! Once we landed we got our rental car, got our bags, grabbed a quick lunch and then drove out to Gatlinburg to our AirBnb cabin we would be staying in for a couple days. The drive was so freaking gorgeous. Fall in Tennessee is actually colorful! I was just so mesmerized driving through the mountains to get to our cabin.
Our cabin was pretty cozy but perfect for just the two of us. It had a bath tub in the kitchen which was hilarious to me, a hot tub on the porch and a pool table on the second level. What else could one possibly want from a cabin.
Once we unpacked our bags we went into Gatlinburg to buy some things I forgot when I was being rushed to pack, and then we went into Pigeon Forge to go to the Island.
Let me tell you all about Pigeon Forge. It's like a family friendly Las Vegas. It's insane! There are themed restaurants everywhere, so many go karts, laser tag, mini golf and arcade places (seriously like every mile there was at least two of these places. It's the ultimate family vacation destination. The Island is comparable to Fisherman's Wharf in San Fran. There's shops, rides, games and a whole lot of people. Zach and I ate a BBQ place and then walked around the Island trying to figure out what we wanted to spend our money on. We decided to go with the giant ferris wheel that overlooked pretty much all of Pigeon Forge. I tend to think Ferris wheels are a waste of money because you usually go around once or twice and it's not all that fun. This one was very worth it though because we rotated like 5 times and it was very relaxing and cool to look out over the city.
Monday was the day I was most excited for!!! Monday was Dollywood day!
It's important to me that you listen to a Dolly classic while you read this part of my blog:
Oh you haven't heard of Dollywood? I hadn't either but this was the major selling point for me going to Tennessee. You all are aware of our queen Dolly Parton... well she grew up in the smoky mountains of Tennessee and has an entire amusement park in Pigeon Forge! I just about died when I found this out! We seriously could not have picked a better day to go either! It's pretty humid in Tennessee but there was complete cloud coverage the entire time we were there and we walked onto all but one ride, and that ride was our last ride in which we only waited 5 minutes for! We conquered the park so quickly it was amazing.
I wasn't expecting this to be the world's best amusement park, I was expecting it to be equal or lesser than Knottsberry farm in California. BUT WOW I was very pleasantly surprised. There were 2 or 3 insane roller coasters... one of which I blacked out on, there were multiple log rides (one of them was sadly closed, but we got to ride one of them 2 times in a row without even getting off the ride), an insane mega jump ride and the classic and terrifying wood roller coasters that make us all want to vomit and die. Besides rides there were tons of shows to watch! We went to one play where they sang a bunch of songs through the decades, which was a cool break from all our running around. And of course they had Dolly Parton everything! There was a clothing shop dedicated to her style, the slogan for the store was "her style, your size" which cracked me up so much because truly know one is Dolly Parton's size. There was a whole museum about her and a bunch of her memories and costumes that she has worn and I just couldn't stop thinking about how much her back must hurt from how large her boobs are. That woman is strong, so much respect. One of the coolest things about the park was that her original tour bus was there for people to tour! Zach and I were extremely fascinated by the facts about this tour bus, Zach was smart enough to take a picture of some of the FAQs so you guys can learn about her bus as well:
And now here are some photos that we took during our time at the happiest place in Tennessee:

As you can see humidity and roller coasters makes my hair feel some kind of way
A good ol Coca Cola float and the ever so necessary penny souvenir

And hopefully if I can get them to work these snapchat videos:
Also please appreciate the perspectives of what happens here:
We conquered the park pretty quickly so we didn't stay until it closed at 6. We left around 3 and decided to try out the Mountain coaster in Pigeon Forge. There's quite a few mountain coasters in the area and I watched lots of videos comparing each one before our trip, I decided that the Alpine coaster in Pigeon Forge was the way to go (I was also validated by the nice man who waited with us before we went on the Ferris Wheel on Sunday). So if you haven't been on a mountain coaster before like me, you sit in these go cart like things and ride you up a mountain and then you go crazy riding down the mountain at full speed thinking you are going to ride right off the tracks. You aren't allowed to stop and you have to remain at least 80 feet away form the person in front of you at all times. It was so awesome! Zach and I went on separately the first time around, and I knew he would want to go so fast down this mountain so since I was in front of him I had to also go fast so that he would not catch up to me. It was terrifying but so thrilling and fun at the same time.
After the coaster we went to Krogers and we discovered Blackberry Ginger Ale!!! Have you guys ever seen this before in AZ? Because I never have and I am pretty much obsessed with it. So if you ever see it please report to me immediately so I can buy all of them. I know this was very unimportant to you guys but it was so excited to me and Zach so it's making the blog!
In the evening we used one of our many newly wed giftcards to go to dinner at Outback and then we decided to give the mountain coaster a try during the night! This time around Zach and I decided to ride on it together, and it was even more fun surprisingly!
Tuesday was check out day from our cabin and it was the Great Smoky Mountain day! There was one place that I knew I needed to go to at this park, and it was the very top of the smoky mountains and the tallest point in all of Tennesee: Clingmans Dome! Unfortunately the watch tower is closed for the year, but we were still able to hike up to the top and explore around. First of all it was the most gorgeous drive just trying to get to Clingmans dome! Zach said it felt either like a chick flick or a horror movie with how perfect it was with the leaves falling gently around us while we were driving up the winding roads. It was even more magnificent when we got to the parking area to get to the dome. They don't call this National Park the smoky mountains for no reason! The clouds were so mystical and moving so quickly it really did look like we were encompassed with smoke! The hike wasn't a long one at all but it took forever to do because it was a steep incline and we were at 6,643 feet so it tuckered me out pretty quickly. We did make it to the top eventually and we went and did some exploring along the Appalachian trail and a little off the path too. There's seriously no way to describe with words how gorgeous and breath taking the views were with all the trees and leaves and the clouds, so you're just going to have to rely on my many photos:
Once we were done exploring the Smoky Mountains we decided to spend some time exploring downtown Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg kind of reminded me of Estes Park in Colorado and it reminded Zach of Sedona, so just imagine a small mountain down and that's what Gatlinburg is! There was lots of stuff to do here too with all the arcades and Ober Gatlinburg and the ski lifts and what not but we were pretty exhausted and just ate some pizza and walked around. Since we didn't have the cabin anymore we had the choice of getting a hotel in Gatlinburg or driving to Knoxville and getting a hotel there. Like I said we were pretty dead tired so we walked up to a Marriott got a room and took a fat nap hahaha, we are real party people.
On Wednesday we slept in a little bit, checked out of our hotel and made our way to Knoxville! Our flight didn't leave until later in the afternoon so we got to explore the city a little bit. We first got lunch at a local bbq place because Zach had been craving corn on the cob the entire trip but each place we went to failed to deliver for us, but we finally got it for him in Knoxville! The corn was so good that he accidentally dropped it onto the plate of liquid butter and it exploded all over my face hahahah.
After eating we went to the University of Tennessee and drove around there. I sometimes forget that school is even in session right now because I am not going to school, so I was slightly confused at first why there were so many people around lol. After driving around the T for a little bit we went to Krispy Kreme because I needed a pumpkin spice doughnut in my life and then we went to the World's Fair Park to check out the sunsphere. The sunsphere was pretty trippy, we felt so dizzy up there like we both had vertigo... and it wasn't nearly as exciting as I wanted it to be. But we did and I have no ragrets.
Eventually we made our way to the airport... and it turned out our flight was 45 minutes later than we had thought it was, so we chilled at the airport for quite awhile downloading shows to sustain us on our plane rides. We flew back into Charlotte on that short 1 hour flight and then we totally scored on our flight to Phoenix, not only were our seats together from the get go (our other flights we weren't together but on our very first flight the flight people were nice and switched our seats so we could be together) but there wasn't a third person in the row with us, so it was very very spacious and wonderful. It was also a cool flight because we were leaving Charlotte right as the sun had set but as we were flying the sunset came back and lasted for like 2 hours because we were racing the sun flying to the west! I know that's probably lame... but it entertained me a lot haha.
Once we were in Phoenix Zach's parents dropped our car off for us, we ran to my house to pick up the rest of my stuff and then drove to Tucson and then crashed because it was so late.
On Thursday I started up at work again... but from home! I am still working on adjusting to working at home. There's a few things I need to buy in order for things to run more smoothly, and I need to work with my work on my VPN connection because it really slows down my flow and stressed me out. But overall Thursday and Friday working from my kitchen table wasn't the worst thing in the world, and i am sure I will love it in a few weeks.
On Thursday and Friday Zach and I slowly started opening up all our wedding gifts and we finally finished by Friday night! It's surprisingly exhausting opening presents haha and trying to figure out where to put everything! Our house is the perfect size for two people but is now starting to get smaller and smaller now that I have moved in and we have so much more stuff haha!
On Thursday night we went to Kenzie's to play Dutch Blitz with her and Derrick... and Trev but he hates Dutch Blitz so he didn't actually play. The whole night we were talking in southern accents and it was so hilarious. I was telling them how funny it was that Zach and I were the minority in Tennessee when it came to accents and how fun it was to hear everyone's voices, especially the little kids, so obviously the natural inclination is to speak in a southern accent for the rest of the evening.
On Friday night we hung out with Kenzie, Derrick, Trev, Jenny, Abby & Sam and went to No Anchovies for dinner! Afterwards we broke out a wedding gift to party with everyone Wits and Wagers! I am seriously so happy with everyone who got us games as gifts, we are pretty much game addicts.
Sorry I am rushing through my normal life stuff now because it's not nearly as exciting lol
But on Saturday my mom and Avery came to Tucson to visit and we spent the day partying with them! We went to lunch, played at Reid Park, partied at the Beezies while they started to deep clean that house, ran lots of errands and other wonderful things. It's always so much fun when Avery comes to visit but also extremely heart breaking when she leaves because she is just so sad. Now that she doesn't have any siblings living with her I think she is starting to get a little lonely, so we will have many more Avery party weekends to come!
After my mom and Avery left i stayed at Kenzie's partying with them until Zach got off work because I am not ready to be alone at night in our house yet because I am a wimp haha... and all walls are so thin I just hear everything haha.
But you guys I must say I am loving married life. It honestly doesn't feel allll that different but now we don't say goodbye each night and go to our separate beds. It feels like I have been living with Zach my whole life, which makes this whole transition a lot easier. It's all happyville here at the Walton home!
Once we were done exploring the Smoky Mountains we decided to spend some time exploring downtown Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg kind of reminded me of Estes Park in Colorado and it reminded Zach of Sedona, so just imagine a small mountain down and that's what Gatlinburg is! There was lots of stuff to do here too with all the arcades and Ober Gatlinburg and the ski lifts and what not but we were pretty exhausted and just ate some pizza and walked around. Since we didn't have the cabin anymore we had the choice of getting a hotel in Gatlinburg or driving to Knoxville and getting a hotel there. Like I said we were pretty dead tired so we walked up to a Marriott got a room and took a fat nap hahaha, we are real party people.
On Wednesday we slept in a little bit, checked out of our hotel and made our way to Knoxville! Our flight didn't leave until later in the afternoon so we got to explore the city a little bit. We first got lunch at a local bbq place because Zach had been craving corn on the cob the entire trip but each place we went to failed to deliver for us, but we finally got it for him in Knoxville! The corn was so good that he accidentally dropped it onto the plate of liquid butter and it exploded all over my face hahahah.
After eating we went to the University of Tennessee and drove around there. I sometimes forget that school is even in session right now because I am not going to school, so I was slightly confused at first why there were so many people around lol. After driving around the T for a little bit we went to Krispy Kreme because I needed a pumpkin spice doughnut in my life and then we went to the World's Fair Park to check out the sunsphere. The sunsphere was pretty trippy, we felt so dizzy up there like we both had vertigo... and it wasn't nearly as exciting as I wanted it to be. But we did and I have no ragrets.
Eventually we made our way to the airport... and it turned out our flight was 45 minutes later than we had thought it was, so we chilled at the airport for quite awhile downloading shows to sustain us on our plane rides. We flew back into Charlotte on that short 1 hour flight and then we totally scored on our flight to Phoenix, not only were our seats together from the get go (our other flights we weren't together but on our very first flight the flight people were nice and switched our seats so we could be together) but there wasn't a third person in the row with us, so it was very very spacious and wonderful. It was also a cool flight because we were leaving Charlotte right as the sun had set but as we were flying the sunset came back and lasted for like 2 hours because we were racing the sun flying to the west! I know that's probably lame... but it entertained me a lot haha.
Once we were in Phoenix Zach's parents dropped our car off for us, we ran to my house to pick up the rest of my stuff and then drove to Tucson and then crashed because it was so late.
On Thursday I started up at work again... but from home! I am still working on adjusting to working at home. There's a few things I need to buy in order for things to run more smoothly, and I need to work with my work on my VPN connection because it really slows down my flow and stressed me out. But overall Thursday and Friday working from my kitchen table wasn't the worst thing in the world, and i am sure I will love it in a few weeks.
On Thursday and Friday Zach and I slowly started opening up all our wedding gifts and we finally finished by Friday night! It's surprisingly exhausting opening presents haha and trying to figure out where to put everything! Our house is the perfect size for two people but is now starting to get smaller and smaller now that I have moved in and we have so much more stuff haha!
On Thursday night we went to Kenzie's to play Dutch Blitz with her and Derrick... and Trev but he hates Dutch Blitz so he didn't actually play. The whole night we were talking in southern accents and it was so hilarious. I was telling them how funny it was that Zach and I were the minority in Tennessee when it came to accents and how fun it was to hear everyone's voices, especially the little kids, so obviously the natural inclination is to speak in a southern accent for the rest of the evening.
On Friday night we hung out with Kenzie, Derrick, Trev, Jenny, Abby & Sam and went to No Anchovies for dinner! Afterwards we broke out a wedding gift to party with everyone Wits and Wagers! I am seriously so happy with everyone who got us games as gifts, we are pretty much game addicts.
Sorry I am rushing through my normal life stuff now because it's not nearly as exciting lol
But on Saturday my mom and Avery came to Tucson to visit and we spent the day partying with them! We went to lunch, played at Reid Park, partied at the Beezies while they started to deep clean that house, ran lots of errands and other wonderful things. It's always so much fun when Avery comes to visit but also extremely heart breaking when she leaves because she is just so sad. Now that she doesn't have any siblings living with her I think she is starting to get a little lonely, so we will have many more Avery party weekends to come!
After my mom and Avery left i stayed at Kenzie's partying with them until Zach got off work because I am not ready to be alone at night in our house yet because I am a wimp haha... and all walls are so thin I just hear everything haha.
But you guys I must say I am loving married life. It honestly doesn't feel allll that different but now we don't say goodbye each night and go to our separate beds. It feels like I have been living with Zach my whole life, which makes this whole transition a lot easier. It's all happyville here at the Walton home!
L.O.V.E. all of this. The Smokey Mountain pictures are everything. Also Dolly is everything. hahah
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