So now this is when my blog starts to get more boring for you all... I am so sorry, just please hold out for that wedding day post and then you can be done with me forever haha.
For those of you who do not know I am working from home and in Chandler and I have a pretty odd, yet perfect schedule. Every other week I work from home all week, and on the off weeks I work in Chandler Monday-Wednesday. So last Monday started back in Chandler. I woke up very early in the morning on Monday, filled up my tank, grabbed a red bull and then made my way to work. During my drive I was, as I usually do, listen to the country music stations and I heard for the first time about the shooting in Las Vegas. Shootings are always terribly tragic, and it's monstrous that they continue to happen. But this one hit me the most. Oftentimes we become numb to shootings because they happen so often, and I am admitting that it is often easy for me to brush shootings off after about a day or two because they seem so distant. Like there was virtually no chance that I was going to be at Pulse or at Sandy Hook or wherever. But this was in Vegas, a place that I frequent and love going to. And this was a concert, a country concert where it isn't completely inconceivable that I could have been there that night. And I can't even imagine that feeling of helplessness that so many people felt that night. It's so horrific that someone was capable mentally and physically to kill that many people cold blooded. Something has got to change, because these are happening more frequently and are hitting closer and closer to home.
Moving off of that hard subject. I got to work really freaking early on Monday. Which was actually quite wonderful because pretty much no one was there and I got a head start on all my work. The earlier I start my work the less stressed I feel throughout the day because I don't feel rushed. I would rather go in to work at 5 am, and still stay until 4, than working an extra 2 hours at the end of the day just trying to catch up on everything. Although I liked being there early with no one there, it was fun to be back with all my coworkers again and tell them all about my adventures in Tennessee, because they were just as excited to watch my snapchats of Dollywood and I was about going to Dollywood.
After work on Monday I went to my parents house, and it was almost kind of weird how normal it felt to be doing that routine again. Almost as if I wasn't gone for a week or had never even left the state haha. I ran into a few friends while I was there and they would ask me if it felt weird being at my parents house now.. but it really was just the same. Sister Frost even said it's more like I have a friend with benefits now hahaha. I am sure once I go back next week to work again it will start to feel more weird being home and away from Zach. We just haven't had enough time being together at that point to feel like it wasn't just like how things were three weeks ago. It was pretty wonderful seeing how excited Avery was to see me when I came home though haha. I literally saw her two days earlier but she was so psyched for me to actually be home with her.
So yeah the same deal happened for Tuesday, life was pretty normal. I didn't really do anything particularly exciting while in the valley besides pack up my car with a bunch more stuff that I forgot to grab when we were coming back from our honeymoon.
So on Wednesday I went to work with a car packed with a bunch of random things that I had forgotten. Right after work I ran by Noahs to return linens that someone accidentally stole while they were cleaning up the wedding, and then made my way back home to Tucson and my husband. When I arrived in Tucson we unpacked all the extra things that I bought and then went and did some shopping, and then caught ourselves up on all the shows we had missed while I was away.
Thursday I was back at working from home. I am still not a big fan of working at home. I love being in Tucson and I love not being away from Zach, but I absolutely love interacting with people and actually getting out of my house for most of the day. So I am still working on adjusting to this whole working from home thing. Luckily even though I am having some technical difficulties connecting to our server, my coworkers and I have figured out the best distribution of responsibilities to make everything work at least while I am not in the office. The week prior when I was working at home I stayed in my pajamas all day and that made me feel so lazy, so I have figured out that actually getting ready in the morning (or at least putting real clothes on) makes me feel more productive. I have also discovered that I need to step outside for at least 5 minutes and work with a window open so I do not feel trapped inside of my house. Slowly but surely I will get the hang of working at home and I will dread going into the office.
On Friday the Stephanie Shaw came into town for a visit! It's her fall break now so she came ready for a party and for interactions with people over the age of 12 hahah. Oh and we partied with year FIVE of Terror in the Corn. This haunted corn maze is totally our jam, and even though it's very similar each year it still gets me spooked at some parts (especially the dark rooms where you have zero idea where you are going). This was Trev's first time going to this corn maze and it was hilarious. There will always be at least one person who is scared out of their minds at this type of thing, and this year it was Trevor (I will give second place to Derrick because he pounced on me at one point from pure terror). And of course the best part of the whole thing is the one creepy character that just walks around the grounds trying to spook you... Derrick loves these people with all his heart. You will find this friend of our featured in one of the photos below:
We were al very disappointed (me mostly) in how poorly this backdrops was designed and made... the things you are passionate about when you work at a backdrop company
And of course we did a giant group photo on the giant chair (that I am convinced is going to fall apart on us one of these years):
After everyone made it through the maze, and as per tradition, we all went to IHOP to feast and celebrate making it out alive. It was generally a grand ol' time besides the fact that it was absolutely freezing in the room they threw us in, luckily Derrick had a blanket in his car and came in clutch:
I always feel so bad for the waitress that has to deal with our large groups, but our waitress was very sweet and was able to keep up with us and our orders for the most part, so she deserved a gold star.Steph stayed the night at our house and I wish I could tell you that we really partied hard.... but we pretty much went to sleep like the old women we are now hahah.
On Saturday Zach, Steph and I went over to 1320 to eat some lunch. We met up with Kenzie, Jenny, Abby, Britt, Derrick, Trev and Nick and we all went to Mod pizza (except for Jenny and Britt who went to Chipotle... a very important fact that had to make the blog). Sadly Zach had to go to work, and Steph needed to make her way back to her valley home. So Kenzie, Derrick, Steph and I went to my house to get Steph's things and a few games, then Steph dropped us off at 1320 and she went back home.
Because I work so much in my house and often feel trapped in it when I am there alone, I spent my day with the Beezies and the Brozies (which is what I have been secretly calling Derrick/Trev/Sam who share a wall with 1320). I introduced them to Qwixx, which is a game Zach and I got as a wedding present. It's a game approved by Mensa... so you know it's legit. It's not the most fun game in the world, like I am not so enthralled by it the entire time I am playing, but it is definitely the most addicting game in the world. We have easily used at least half of all the papers that come with the game just in the two days we were playing it.
Later in the day I went with Kenzie, Derrick and Britt to do some grocery shopping for Canadian Thanksgiving. McKenzie started a tradition last year to make poutine for all our friends on Canadian Thanksgiving, and it can't be a tradition unless you do it two times in a row, so of course it was happening again this year! I was particularly excited about making poutine this year because Zach's aunt Michelle got us a deep fryer for our wedding, and this was the perfect opportunity to test it out!
We made a trip to Fry's and to World Market and got everything we needed and then made our way back to 1320. Around that time Zach was getting off work so he met me back at their house and we played a few more rounds of Qwixx with Jenny, Brittany, Derrick & Kenzie, and then Trev, Derrick, Kenzie, Zach and I went tot Taco Bell for some dinner (and the workers there completely destroyed mine and Zach's life by SKIPPING our order and then blaming us ugh... but those $5 boxes are still worth it).
On Sunday Zach and I had our first day in our new ward. Man I thought it was weird four years ago when I went to a singles ward for the first time... but it is SO much weirder going to a family ward as a newly married couple without any kids for the first time haha. We are in the Binghampton ward here in Tucson and I have a few other young couples in there with me too so that's good. I am convinced our church building was once a Catholic church building, which was pretty interesting to me... but the great thing about new buildings is that you always know where everyone is meeting because it's the same pretty much everywhere. Luckily we had some very welcoming people grab hold on me and Zach immediately and helped us out on where to go and what not.
It is very unfortunate that this ward meets at 1... I hate late church with so much of my soul. But it is nice to sleep in a little bit....but the day is pretty much over by the time we are out of church. Luckily we only have a few more months in the year so hopefully we will have a new time soon!
After church we changed, grabbed a snack and then went over to 1320 to start frying some fries for Canadian Thanksgiving (we were celebrating a day early because everyone had FHE on Monday, which was the real Thanksgiving). I am so obsessed with our deep fryer, so Michelle you totally nailed it with this present! We were much safer this year making poutine than we have been in years passed (tbt to the days when we had Canadian nights in like 2013 and 2014... I still have dreams about your maple cake Ali).
In addition to poutine we had maple cookies, some Canadian candies and most importantly Mckenzie printed out the faces of some of Canada's most popular celebrities. I always love people's reactions to poutine... they always seem a little hesitant about it but then when they realize there is literally nothing healthy in that meal they're all over it hahaha.
During the night we went around and said what we were thankful for, we sang Canadian karaoke and even did Canadian Just Dance, but most importantly we all joined together to sing the National Anthem and the Hockey Game.
Now please enjoy the beautiful photos that Abby queen took:
Monday was my first Monday working from home. I was actually terrified to do this because Mondays are the most insane days and are the most stressful... so I woke up really freaking early to get a head start on everything and sure enough I survived the day! Luckily Zach didn't work and didn't have school so he was able to keep me company most of the day and keep me from going insane haha. We got to have lunch together, which doesn't happen too often so that was magical hahah even with just our mac and cheese. After work we ran some errands. We keep thinking of new things that we need to buy so we are at Target pretty much everyday... and it's always the same Target so it's probably going to start getting embarrassing soon. This time we bought some knives, a shower head and we found the most magical rug that I want for our living room but we didn't have our Home Depot gift card so we will make our way back there eventually. We also made a stop b 1320 to pick up my pickle popcorn seasoning and then we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse! We really went ham on those rolls.... no shame... and now Zach has enough leftovers to hold him off for awhile lol. We kind of had dinner pretty early so I was pretty pathetic and was dead tired as soon as we got home and pretty much crashed on the couch. It's probably because I wake up at 6 everyday... but still it's almost ridiculous that I would be happy going to sleep at 8 every single night hahaha. I don't know how Zach lives with me considering he is such a night owl haha, he even voluntarily goes to sleep early too (never 8 though don't worry haha).
Other exciting things that have happened this week was that I have almost decided where I am going to go for my birthday trip... usually I have it decided by now but I have been planning a wedding and my birthday has been on the back burner haha. Probably the most exciting thing that happened was that I changed my Facebook name. You guys have no idea how many times I have attempted to do this and then nearly started crying because it was too much of a change for me hahah... imagine how I will be when I actually go in to change my name.... but I finally did it and that's cause for celebration.
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