1: Lauren and I were going to go to Jaxon's wedding on the 6th, but I Lauren ended up not going, but since Abby and Andy were there I decided I should just go and party with them. The wedding was at a super cute house with a big backyard. There were golf carts to shuttle you from the parking lot to the house, so that was fancy. There was a doughnut wall, a decorate your own cupcake station, and the Soda Shop (sadly with no mountain dew sodas, but there were delicious anyway). Abby was killin' it as the photographer and Andy was killin' it as a groomsmen, and I was killin' it at the third wheeling. But if there is any couple to third wheel with, it's them.
2: Once upon a time Abby introduced me to the heaven on earth Florindinos, and I have since then wanted to share it with everyone and everyone. Zach and I decided a Fam night at Florindinos was a necessity for the last week of school, unfortunately Sadie and Parker couldn't make it due to sickness, so it was the classic trio of me, Zach and Trev eating the delicious pizza muffins. While we were at Florindinos we were talking to Trev about what all the groomsmen and bridesmaids are going to wear at the wedding and he turns to me and asks in all seriousness "What color will you be wearing Sydney?" to which I said "uhhh white?" Maybe it was one of those you had to be there moments, but it was absolutely hilarious in the moment. After chowing down on the muffins, we went back to Zach's house and watched Rogue One... it was actually only the second time I have seen this movie, which is embarrassing, I know.
Annnnnnnd that's about all that was noteworthy honestly.
So onto what would have been in this blog... which is indeed in this blog.
Friday May 12th
To any normal person in the world, getting kicked out of work an hour and a half early for carpet cleaners is an awesome thing.... but I am no normal person... it stressed me the heck out. I had so much to do and not nearly enough time to do it. Oh and this may have been okay if I had known ahead of time that we were going home early... but I found out an hour before we were supposed to leave. So fun. This was also added on top of an awful lunch break where I was stuck at the intersection of Germann and Gilbert for 15 minutes AT LUNCH TIME I REPEAT because the construction workers decided that LUNCH TIME would be the best time to lay down new pavement for the roads... and I tried very hard to avoid this because Gilbert rd is always a mess.... but I ended up getting stuck in the worst part. I have a great hate for that road. So yes, Friday at work was not my best day yet... and it didn't make my Monday any easier.
But Friday turned around when it was time to take Diana and Harrison's bridal photos! Kenzie and Derrick were my drivers for the evening. We first picked up Diana at her house in Tempe. She was still getting ready, and Kara was doing her hair so I got to see her too which was fabulous. Once she was ready we went to the Mesa temple to meet Harrison for the first part of the bridals. Here are some of my favorites:
Afterwards we all hopped in Derrick's car and went out to Coon Bluff for part two of the bridal photos. Even though Diana did not plan to be running late in the first place, it turned out super excellent because we got to the campground at the greatest time to do all the photos that we wanted to accomplish. The two of them looked so magical with the yellow grass and they even made the Salt River look mystical.
After the bridal shoot we took Harrison back to the temple, and Diana back to her house. Then Derrick, Kenzie and I went to Fiiz as a celebration of a good job and as a "I want some soda."
Afterwards I stayed up with my sick fiancee while I edited photos and we caught ourselves up on Grey's Anatomy (holy crap what an insane episode) and the Amazing Race.
Friday May 13th
Happy 19th Birthday to Maxie Pad!
Because Rory had to go to the airport at 8 am, and because of Dianisson's wedding in the evening we had to do an early 6:30 am birthday breakfast for McKenzie. Right before breakfast we woke her up to open all her presents. She got a lot of money to get her hair done... some other things I can't remember... and a piƱata from me and Avery.... more pictures to come of that.
My mom got some photo booth props that we brought to breakfast, so enjoy:
After breakfast my mom drove Rory to the airport, and the rest of us went home to break open McKenzie's pinata:
After a quick nap, Zach picked me up to go to the Mesa temple for Diana's sealing. During the sealing we hung outside with Travy and some of Diana's bridesmaids. It was so sadly hot... and not very fun. I wish you could know exactly when a sealing is going to end so I could just come at the very last second. But alas we waited in the shade and then the sun, until it was time for the grand exit:

Then followed by all the family photos. I discovered that it is hard to boss people around who are not listening... and some people just do not understand the concept of not moving. Those people will remain nameless (because I don't know their names) but maybe you will spot them in one of these photos:

I am going to start a photo series called "Zach Taking Pictures of Me Taking Pictures of People"
After the temple photos, Zach and I got some lunch and met Steph at my house. Zach, Steph, Kenzie, my Dad and I went to the mall for a last minute mothers day gift shopping. We went to Dillards to get my mom her favorite perfume, while we were there we also browsed the shoes to see if there were any dusty blue ones (oh and there were). Steph found some that she loved and had a fun time with a worker trying to order them. There was also some free ice cream in Dillards so it was a party. We also made a stop at Sephora (or Stephora, as Steph likes to call it) to buy my mom some lipstick. Then McKenzie ditched us to be with her boyfriend for a birthday shopping spree, and the remainder of us went to Dairy Queen for a treat.
After that adventure Steph and Zach assisted me with the Bridal Party shoot at Tempe Town Lake. It wasn't the greatest time of day, it was hot and windy.... but it was still lots of fun. There's a lot of personality in that bridal party, so it was a good time.

After that shoot Steph, Zach and I went to Chili's for a quick dinner and then made our way to the reception. It was like a Tucson reunion (and by reunion I mean they all saw each other 3 days ago... I haven't seen them in like 3 weeks haha) and it was a party fun time.

Sometimes I make it into photos too... but just barely
After the reception Derrick, Kenzie, Zach, Steph, Kenzie and I went back to our house for some mini cupcake birthday celebration. It is my self proclaimed duty to take a picture of McKenzie with her cake/mousse domes/ cupcakes... really whatever she chooses as her treat each year, and I think this years photo was the best one yet hahahah:

Sunday May 14th
Happy mother's day to my most amazing mother! She lights up my world every single day, she is the greatest human to ever walk the earth and can instantly change your mood with her laugh.
We gave my mom her presents in the morning before church. Then my family made a very normal pact to leave church early to come back home at 2:15 so we could make my mom dinner. Zach and I did the family one better and only went to sacrament meeting with Jacob hahah. We all pitched in making dinner once everyone got home, except for my mom who got to take a nap. When it was finally time to eat, we all went around the table and said what we loved about McKenzie (for her birthday since we didn't do it at breakfast on Saturday) and what we loved about my Mom ( for mother's day)
After dinner Steph departed the celebration and the rest of us played a few rounds of taboo before everyone went and took a nap.
Overall it was a very tiring weekend, but also one of the most productive weekends I have had in awhile. I loooove this whole taking photos thing, and I love people's reactions when I turn around photos as quickly as I do... it's my favorite part.
Also happy summer to all the college students, and happy graduation to all the homies who graduated, y'all are the real MVPs.
All of your Diana Harrison pictures look totally fabulous!! Shlove them.