Stalker Archive

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wild Thing

Wednesday April 20
Wednesday was a good day since I only had to work until 11 (Michelle didn't show up to school, so my managers gave me the rest of the day off). I spent my free time very wisely... sat at the institute for a little bit and then I watched One Tree Hill in my bed haha... super productive. But it was a much needed break for sure. But even though I got work off early, I still had to go to class at 3. We talked about abortion language in articles, so that was an interesting lesson.
Thursday April 21
Short term memory loss... I can't remember what happened besides school all day.
Friday April 22
Friday was great because Zach came to Tucson in the morning, dollar lunch served pizza, and Lauren & EJ came to Tucson! So obviously it was a major party.
There was a regional YSA activity at Reid Park Zoo. There was supposed to be a photo scavenger hunt starting at 4:30, but the person in charge of it did not take charge... so it didn't happen. Instead we got to explore the zoo on our own. Since it was "after hours" pretty much all the animals were sleeping or hiding from us, but we did get to feed a giraffe (and by we, I mean everyone else but me because their tongues freak me out)
Look at Steph's fancy new blonde hair, she just got it done that day, it's fab

This peacock was just roaming around on it's own, and it really terrified EJ haha

Then after exploring the zoo, the group (plus Rory and Andrew who showed up later) decided that we didn't want to eat the Wal Mart sandwiches that were being provided for the activity, so instead we went to heaven on earth, Canes.
After eating dinner we went back to the Zoo for the dance! Dances are always 10x better when Lauren and Ej are there. All I really need in a dance is for the DJ to play Believe by Cher and for a guy dressed as a Sith Lord to dance. Nothing better.
After we sufficiently danced our butts off, the dance finally ended and it was time for us to go home. We stayed up for a little bit talking, and dishing out the details of our lives, but we didn't last too long cause we were for reals tired.
Saturday April 23
Steph, Lauren, Zach, EJ, Rory + Rory's apartment (minus Dakota), and myself went to Kneaders for lunch. It's actually been quite awhile since I have been to the Kneaders in Tucson, but surely enough the guy who always delivers me my food was there... even though a girl delivered my food to me this time.
After eating lunch we went to go check out the progress on the Tucson temple. Everyone is just waiting for the dome to be placed on the temple... that's going to be an exciting day.
Then Lauren left us to go back to Gilber #crycrycry. But EJ stuck around for more party. 
While trying to figure out what to do with the rest of our day we started watching some videos of the kids that appear on Ellen, and we discovered a boy named Elias. He is the best person in the world and I have no idea how I hadn't heard of him until Saturday. Please take a few minutes to watch this video:
Eventually Zach found out that Pitch Black mountain dew was being sold at an Albertson's near my house... SO OBVIOUSLY we had to buy some. One 12-pack was 6 dollars, or 3 12-packs for 12 dollars.... SO OBVIOUSLY we had to buy three. 
I always get really excited when I find a new mountain dew being sold somewhere... #tbt to 2014
when I saw a guy riding a bike with a 12 pack of Baja Blast strapped to the back, and I yelled at him out of the car to find out where he got it.
Then I had to recreate the photos with my new bae 
In case you were wondering, it is delicious. But I do not think it is good enough to beat out Baja Blast.

After obtaining the new mountain dew we decided to explore a little bit, and started to head toward Old Tucson to look at some cacti.

Then EJ really wanted to find some swings, so we ended up at a park in Tucson, which did indeed have swings and a crazy spinning ride, that everyone developed vertigo from. 
After all that outdoor fun time, we met back up with Rory and went to dinner at No Anchovies, and then went to Taylor's house to play Settlers of Catan and a Fifa tournament.
I did not participate in either game because I had some crisis control I needed to work on.
You see, I was asked by my editor-in-chief if I could cover Sunday's production. I unfortunately could not due to church and institute graduation. So he asked the back up to me, Alex McIntyre, who was the photo editor last semester, and the only other person on the photo desk that know the job of being an editor. But unfortunately, Alex could not cover either, so my EIC asked a few of the photographers before one could finally take on the job. But since Darien (the photographer who stepped up)  had no idea the job of an editor, I had to type out in detail instructions of what to do. So that's how I spent my Saturday night. Super fun time.

Sunday April 24
So you might be wondering why Tom couldn't work Sunday, well he was asked to step down as Photo Editor on Sunday morning. I found out about this also on Sunday morning, and Tom stepping down meant, me taking over as Photo Editor. LUCKILY there is only a week and a half left of the semester, so taking over as editor wouldn't take over my life completely. Even more luckily, I do not have a crazy finals week or crazy projects due leading up to finals week (first time in forever), so I have the time to take over. But alas, I still could not work Sunday, so Darien stepped up and did a pretty good job for only being in the newsroom for a couple of hours and having no idea what he was doing. I am very grateful for him, Alicia and Dom for taking over on Sunday and getting all the photos done for the paper. The world would be ruined without them.

So Sunday....
Rory, EJ, and Zach joined Steph and I at church... but we only stayed for Sacrament meeting... but then went back for linger longer because #rebels. In Sacrament meeting my Bishop was giving a talk and pretty much retold the entire first half of Les Mis.... it was a very long talk. But it did end up indeed having an application, so that's good. 
Sunday night was Institute graduation! And yes, I was graduating. My whole family came down to Tucson and Zach was there too (obviously) so it was a real party. There were like REAL refreshments at the graduation... WHOLE PIECES OF CHEESECAKE... not just tiny little squares you would get at Costco... it was the bomb diggity.

My family didn't stay too long after the graduation, but luckily Zach stayed in Tucson for one more night #PartyFunTime

Monday April 25
As I usually do I had work at 8 in the morning on Monday. That's quite early for someone like Zach who stays up until 2 most nights. But I made him get up, and pack up his things so we could go to breakfast and so he could drive me to work before he left. We had a super fancy breakfast at this cool joint on Speedway called the McDonald's drive thru... their brekkie is the bomb. 
Then he left me to go back to Mesa... and I had to continue with work.... it wasn't super unbearable though.
After Project FOCUS, and eBoard for the Wildcat I went to FHE for a culture night. Anyone was welcome to bring food, or an object or other visuals from a culture they know (whether it be their own or from a mission) and share it with everyone. Some had really good treats... others did not... I liked the ones with treats.
Caroline and Spencer came to FHE too since Spencer is done with his semester at BYU. We couldn't stop eating the oranges "from" Argentina... they were like crack.

Tuesday April 26
I had an interview at 8:30 before my classes started for the photo editor position for the Summer Wildcat. I figured since I am going to be here in the summer doing an unpaid internship, I should probably find a way to make some money, lo and behold the Summer Wildcat.
The interview wasn't really like an interview because the summer EIC is currently the News Editor, and we have worked a lot together so he already knows me pretty well and knows how I work. So it was mostly an info session of what would be going down in the summer if I was chosen to be photo editor. But I thought the conversation went swimmingly, and I walked out feeling pretty good.

Then I had my mobile app development class. We are nearing the end of the summer which means we are nearing the end of the app we are making, so that's pretty exciting.
Then I had institute, and some CES people were there. Being a CES offspring, I am always introduced to the CES people as Brother Jay Richardson's daughter... and then they get really excited because they love my dad and they tell me how great he is and I'm like... you talk him up just as much as he talks himself up. But it's a good time, I like when people are excited to meet me.

After institute I went to go take a picture for Hey Barista! an article that runs in the Wildcat that spotlights baristas from across Tucson. The reporter and I went to Presta for this weeks feature, and it was a really cool coffee shop! If I drank coffee, I would go there. It's just a cool little fun place to hang out, and it's kind of hidden so no one really knows where or what it is. When they make their coffee it looks like a science experiment, it's super hip and cool.

Then I had my broadcasting class where I finished my final package about the lady bugs. It turned out pretty good! And then finally my Beltway class, which really just makes me want to sleep forever.

Now that I am photo editor, I have to work the remainder of production nights. So after my classes I went straight to the Wildcat to work. 
It was a fairly easy day, I got out at like 8:30, which is unheard of. One of the photographers, Courtney, came to shadow me because she is interested in an editing position for the fall semester. It was cool being the "teacher" role for once, instead of the other way around. 

Oh I also found out that I got the summer editor job! So I won't be poor!
This is how it went down:
Sam: Hey Sydney, do you want to work for me in the summer?
Sydney: Uh, yes....
Sam: (to someone else in the room) there I just made my first hire.
Sydney: Wait! That was you hiring me?! I don't even get a handshake?!

Good times.

Some exciting things coming up:
Chipotle Cultivate Festival is in 3 days!
The last day of class is in 7 days!
My mom graduates in 12 days!
New roomies are moving in 17-18 days!
McKenzie graduates in 21 days!
Zach leaves on his mission in 35 days! #crycrycry

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