Stalker Archive

Monday, October 5, 2015

When Sadie Came Home

Well I made it through one of the most stressful school weeks of my life, woot woot. On Thursday after my government class I hopped in the car and drove home to Mesa. Zach picked me up and we picked up Trevor and then we went to go buy some of Sadie's favorite drinks (Jones soda, blue powerade, voltage) and then made our way to the airport for her 10 pm landing.
We were the first ones at the airport and I had never been to terminal 3 before (it's really small and doesn't look like any of the other terminals) so I thought we were in the wrong place. But her family did eventually show up and then we all waited with bated breath for Sadie to come walking out of her gate!

Easily one of the happiest moments of my life. I am so happy my best friend is home and I am so proud of her for all the hard work she put in to serving the people of Honduras. We only missed one week of emailing each other (and that was due to my connection sucking and the email going to my drafts without me realizing) and I can honestly say she was the hardest working missionary. She did amazing things there but I am so psyched that she is home now! Now I'm just bummed that I am back in Tucson while she is in Mesa.
Sadie's fan club

Sadie's family

Sadie and her grandparents... I think that this picture of her shows her personality through and through

Don't mind Hadley flipping everyone off 
The Fam is slowly gaining back members!
18 months is long enough to forget how short someone is haha

On Friday I spent the day with Zach while he wasn't working, and the rest of the day with my family and catching up on videos I needed to make. If you were interested in what last weekends 91AZ15 trip looked like here is the video:

On Friday I also discovered One Direction's new song, Infinity, which obviously I am obsessed with, so much that I think it's vital that I write about it on my blog.

On Friday night my family, Zach and I made caramel apples and watched Pitch Perfect 2, it was pretty exciting.

On Saturday I watched the morning session of Conference at my house. My favorite talk of the session was Uchtdorf's. It's easy to like Uchtdorf's talks because he is such an amazing speaker and really knows how to use power phrases to his advantage, so I look forward to going back and reading all the other talks to love those ones as well. 
After the morning session I picked up Sadie, Trevor and Zach and we went to In N Out for lunch. In Sadie's second to last email she was saying that she was most excited for In N Out and Chick fil a, and since she had already had Chick Fil A, it made sense that we would go to In N Out. After lunch we went to Bahama Bucks which me and Sadie were both excited about because neither of us had been there in awhile (obviously awhile longer for her haha).
After Bahama Bucks we dropped Trevor off at his house because he had to work, and the rest of us went to Sadie's house to watch the afternoon session. Zach and I had to leave early so we only watched the first couple speakers but I did really love Hales talk and Holland's talk especially. Both were answers to prayers I have had recently. I was hoping for some diversity in the ethnicity in the new apostles but obviously I am A-OK because I'm not the one who receives revelation on who to call and who is right for the calling. I love Rasband though, he rocks.
Lacie had a selfie stick so I think selfies were appropriate for this General Conference occasion

Saturday night I went back to Sadie's house to hang out and have some much needed best friend time. We rode her tandem bike around the neighborhood, ate some hamburgers, went to the Soda Shop (a new mormon thing in the Gilbert area... it was cool but I was quite disappointed from all the hype), went to San Tan mall for no apparent reason ;) and went to Discovery Park where we helped a little boy find his family. It was obviously not a night filled with the most exciting events, but it was the perfect night to catch up on everything that is going on in our lives. I wish I could live in the same city as her so we could hang out everyday for the rest of forever, but unfortunately we are growing up and moving on with our lives, but I am super excited for what's in store for her (even with her plans to go to BYU).

On Sunday I watched the conferences with my family. I was so concerned for President Monson in that first session, I thought he was going to collapse.
In between we played some Clue, I didn't win but it was fun anyway. About 30 minutes into the second session everyone in my family fell asleep except for me and Avery, we are troopers. 
After the second session I went over to Zach's house and played phased 10 with him, his brothers and Trevor. 
Eventually it was time for me to return back to Tucson and get back to real life. I am so happy that I was able to go home this weekend for Sadie's homecoming. It's been a long 18 months but I know it was 100% worth it, I'm just so happy to have my best friend back!

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