Stalker Archive

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I Want You Back

That's the song Tucson was singing to me while I was gone for the summer. I didn't let the song phase me for quite some time, but I finally succumbed to Tucson's serenade and returned back to 1320.

My family +Zach dropped me off at my house on Sunday August 16th. After I was settled in they left me to be alone... except not really because Annabeth was moved in as well.

Were you wondering why I moved back to Tucson a whole week prior to school starting (because let me tell ya Tucson is not hopping when it's summer time)? Well if you recall I did not work for a second this summer so I was inevitably broke. Because of this predicament I decided to come back early so I could start work again at Project FOCUS during its orientation week (I even got a few Daily Wildcat assignments, so I'll have a pretty fancy paycheck in two weeks).

I worked Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (I even picked up a shift on Thursday but it was over my allotted hours for Project FOCUS.
Monday/Tuesday was orientation for the returning students. All the staff was gathered together at the turnaround where the students dropped off. It was so much fun to see how excited they all were to be back. One student, Michelle, even ran up and tackled Courtney with a hug, she just could not contain her excitement.
Wednesday/Thursday/Friday was orientation for the new students. They were all pretty excited too, but definitely nervous as well. I was SO excited to meet all the new students. We have such a diverse group this year, it's going to be so much fun. I only got pictures with a few of the new students so you won't get to digitally meet everybody

Steph arrived at 1320 on Tuesday, so now we were all just waiting on Amanda (who didn't end up coming until Sunday night). During the week I introduced Steph to her inner Mormon housewife as we went to Kneaders. I don't like to play into a lot of mormon stereotypes but eating at Kneaders is one I am willing to become a spokesperson for. I mean just look at this cheesecake...

On Friday night the roomies and I spent half our night at the soccer game (which ended up hurting my heart because Lexe tore her ACL at the game) and the other half at a YSA activity which involved hammer throwing and eegees.

Zonazoo crew made an event for the soccer game "popsigoals" where you could get popsicles before the game, I was rather disappointed that the popsicles were otter pops but it's whatever, as long as it wasn't Maddy's idea.

On Saturday, EJ & Matt came to Tucson because it was Matt's last weekend in America. We decided to eat lunch at a Tucsonan restaurant, we settled on No Anchovies (a very delicious pizza place). After watching what seemed like a never ending amount of youtube videos we took a spontaneous trip to Tombstone and stopped in Benson along the way so I could check off two more cities for my 2015 goal.

When we arrived back in Tucson we ate another Tucson place, El Guero Canelo. And then we spent our Saturday night as most 19-31 year olds do, we played laser tag with 8 year olds. I actually ended up doing really well in one of the rounds, I came in 4th place, that's probably the best I have ever done. 
After laser tag we picked up some polar pops and chilled at my house before it was time to get rest for the Sabbath. 

Sunday was my first day back in 3rd ward. Hot diggity dang there are so many new people, it was actually quite overwhelming. With all the new freshman, I felt the need to separate myself from them to establish dominion now that I am a junior (I am easily mistaken for a freshman... even a freshman in high school sometimes). Annabeth made a comment that we have to create minions in the ward, I think it's a great plan.

Monday was the first day of school for the University of Arizona, but no not for me. I squished all my classes onto Tuesdays and Thursdays so I could have full work days on Mondays and Wednesdays. But work is on campus, so it felt like I was at school anyway. I am supporting Tim Schulz, who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair to get around campus, in one of his classes. Luckily it's a 100-level communications class so it shouldn't be much of a toll on me. I am also supporting a few other students and just hanging out with them. It's going to be  good semester at project FOCUS.

Tuesday was my first day of school, here is my schedule:
9-10:50: Advanced Reporting
11-11:50: The Everlasting Gospel (an institute class)
1-2:30: Multimedia
3:30-4:45: Politics, Policy and Governance in the US & World
5-7:30: Ethics in the News Media (only on Tuesdays)
I also have an online class Politics and Policy of the Developing World.

They are all pretty heavy classes so I am worried about having time for it all. That probably means I have to go to one less party a month.... it's a sacrifice. I do have a lot of friends in my classes though so I am happy about that, friends make hard classes 1000x better.

The best part of Tuesday was when Brandi picked me up after institute and we went to Taco Bell and "Starbs" as she likes to call it. Brandi really helps me channel my inner white girl.

Today was another full work day. The highlight of today: The student I was supporting, Jesus, did not bring lunch nor did he bring money for lunch. We are discouraged from buying lunch for the students so we went out on a limb and went to the mall because there are always free things being given out on the mall. We ended up getting Blackjack pizza AND a Jimmy Johns sandwich for free. I didn't even have to pay for lunch, so I would say it was a very good day.

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