I've almost made it through though, I have finished with all of my test finals, the only thing I have left is my final article for my reporting class!
Thursday was dead day (for anyone unfamiliar with college, dead day is a day in between the last day of classes and the first day of finals. It's expected that you will study or do something productive). I was very productive and slept it, and it was glorious.
In the afternoon I went to the going away part for the Stouts (the missionary couple at the institute). I was even here before the Stouts were, I knew that the institute survived without them once before, but I just don't know how it is going to survive when they leave. They have been such a tremendous blessing to the institute and everyone who walked through the doors.
After the party I had study abroad meetings from 3:30-5:30. I didn't learn anything I didn't already know, so the meetings were kind of pointless, but nonetheless I made it through.
At night I met up with a couple of my friends in my Law of the Press class and we took the online final. The tests in this class are a tad bit ridiculous and make your mind explode from over thinking everything. Our professor is real cool and let's us call her anytime while we are taking the test to ask her questions, and she practically gives away the answers, so there was a plus side to the test.
Once we finished the final I went home and stayed up all too late to study for my International Relations final the next day. Grey's Anatomy helped me make it through.
Friday. What a long day.
I had work at 8 AM with Katy at her internship until 11 AM. I was then off work and studied for my International Relations final until I had to take it at 1 PM. Right before the class, there were a bunch of kiddos sitting outside the classroom, so we all just quizzed each other and helped each other on the questions we weren't sure about on the study guide. I think I did pretty well on the test, there was only one question I really had no clue on, so I just gave it my best BS of a shot. I am waiting with bated breath for my grade to be posted. I need a 92% on the exam in order to get a 90% in the class. The anxiety is killing me.
When I finished the test I chilled at the institute for a little bit before it was time to go to work at 3 PM with Jacob. Zach arrived in Tucson around this time so he came to work with me and watched me quiz Jacob on his Spanish 101 knowledge for his exam which happened at 5 PM. All my bosses expected the test to go for at least one hour so I was scheduled until 7... it took him ten minutes, he's a pro Spanish man.
Then it was camping time! Steph, Annabeth, Jared, Olivia and Daniel all went up earlier in the day to set up camp. Then the rest of us who had finals/work/other obligations (me, Zach, Rory, Kaitlyn, Dakota and Andrew) arrived around 9.
I love camping, I love it a lot. I love camping with friends even more.
We roasted weenies in the fire, revealed the juiciest of secrets, attempted to tell scary stories, roasted some mallows, and had a rockin' time that night. I probably only got two hours of sleep, but it didn't feel like I had only gotten two hours until much later in the day haha.
Saturday morning everyone woke up bright and early and gathered around the campfire because it was so freaking cold. Bonded more. Dakota is the king of kings and made us all breakfast. We, of course, had to take nature pictures. Eventually we packed everything up and made our way home!
It was such a great escape from the stress of finals. I have such solid people in my life and escaping with them to the mountains was a great way to end the school year. Lots of weenie jokes and even the burning of fingers, so clearly it was a successful trip.
Now a couple of edited ones:
When we made it back to Tucson, Zach and I went to lunch at chipotle and got some eegees on the way home. Everyone else showered and napped. Zach eventually drove back to Mesa. Rory and I followed behind a few hours later to celebrate Mothers Day with the family.
Today is mother's day! The kids were all together and we woke up early to serenade Mama by the Spice Girls to our rockstar mother. We later did an encore for Granny. And then another encore because my mom didn't record it. We all ate breakfast together and went around the table saying what we love about me Mum and Granny. I am so grateful to have such amazing women in my life who influence me every single day. Especially my Mom. Before I was born she was convinced that she was only supposed to have boys and that she wouldn't be "fit" to raise girls. She has proven herself wrong every day since I was born and continued to prove herself wrong with McKenzie and Avery. In reference to Grey's Anatomy, she is my person. I go to her for everything and anything and she is willing to drop anything for me. She has the greatest sense of adventure in her own unique way and is always down for a party. She is the perfect example to me, and I am so grateful she decided to keep me even though she thought I was a boy.
Later in the day, I went over to the Johnson/Couto/Brunton household to Skype with Sadie. I was so happy Sadie invited me and that Rick later invited me. Her family has become my family, it was so sweet to see that her parents, grandparents and other family members were so happy that I could make it. I wouldn't have missed it. There were some connection problems, even a 15 second delay on her end, so the technical experience wasn't prime, but still worth it.
I miss my BFF like crazy and it was so great to see her face and to hear her voice. She is such an amazing missionary and you can tell she is just loving serving the Lord. It took everything in me to not break down and cry in front of everyone but I made it through haha. She comes home in just a short 4 1/2 months and I cannot wait, but she is just loving it in Honduras right now and that makes me really happy.
After skyping with Sadie, I went over to Zach's house, admired the new paint in the house and talked to Pam about my final article. She's a rockstar Mom too, she gave me practically a million references I could use. She treats me like one of her own, and I love it! I'm so grateful for all the mother figures I have had in my life, you're all the bomb.com and deserve a million of your favorite candies.
Now I am back in Tucson and only have a few more days left! And only less than two weeks before I am on a plane to Italy! Great things are ahead people, great things.
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