Stalker Archive

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May is Cray-cray

It's May. The dreadful month with endless tests, and the glorious month that begins summer. This is it people. I only have three more days of classes, and two finals to take. Then I am free! For a couple weeks before I start classes again in Italy... like that is such a burden, right?

Many of you know that for Project FOCUS I have been supporting Jacob in a Spanish 101 class. For the past few weeks we have been staring at Spanish dictionaries, writing a script, editing the script, and pronouncing some of the strangest words in preparation for his individual oral presentation. Well his presentation was on Wednesday and he completely rocked it! Now we are both relieved that we never have to say "ejecitarse" ever again, and the only thing we have left to work for is the final! It's been quite a journey taking Spanish with Jacob with lots of homework and studying but it's definitely been worth it.

For my reporting the news class we took a tour of Arizona Public Media. It was really cool because we got to see where the production of broadcast, radio, and online journalism happens. I think the coolest part was that they still have a lot of equipment stored that was used in the early days of broadcast. The master control room had a bunch a televisions from all throughout decades, it was pretty cool.

I had been putting it off for awhile because I didn't want to do it, but on Thursday I got a necessary physical to make sure I am safe to go to Italy. I haven't been to the doctor in years so I was worried they were going to tell me I only had two days to live from some secret disease that shows no symptoms. But all it well, it has been two days and I am not dead, and I am cleared to go to Italy!

It was the last dollar lunch of the year so you know what that means... pizza! The BEST dollar lunch of the year, there is no competition.
During my breaks between work and class I was in the journalism building editing my final project for my photojournalism project. It was a lot of walking between the institute, to the marshall building and then to the koffler building, and back to the marshall building... especially when it is starting to get really hot here in Tucson... and you're wearing pants and a black shirt. Smart decision making Sydney. But all is well I finished my project and made it to work/class without melting in the sun.

At night, Annabeth joined me on an adventure to Antigone books for a shoot of of the poet, Eric Magrane for the Daily Wildcat. On top of Eric, there were 3 kids there reading their poetry that won a competition for the University of Arizona poetry center about the desert. They were pretty adorable.
But if we are being completely honest, the best part of the night was the ringtail, Miss Marple, licking peanut butter off a Walt Whitman novel.
Also Antigone books is so cute. They have a heart outside the store where people can lock their love and throw away the key, just like the Love Lock wall in Paris. It hasn't filled up quite like the gate in Paris, but it will get there I'm sure.
After the event Rory came over and the three of us watched Captain America: Winter Soldier (because apparently you have to see that movie before you can see the new Avengers movie). Well I've never been much a fan of Captain America so I fell asleep during it. But Rory liked it, so the rental was not a mistake. 

There was a ward temple trip to the Gilbert temple, and since I have never gone there I decided it was imperative that I went with them this time around. I drove up in Maddy's car (aka the party car, aka the car that lives on the dangerous side with low tire pressure) with Maddy (obviously), Kirsten, Alexis, Drew and Kevin. 
When we got to the temple I saw my homegirl Kylie Paul, who had just taken out her endowments because she is leaving on her mission next month! She's so grown up and cute and I love her. (Fun fact: You can see her taking pictures in the background of the following group picture).
There were also a few weddings going on (poor decision making people, why would you plan your wedding in May in Arizona... I'm sorry I just don't want to be sweating in my wedding photos). But my heart just about melted when I saw a new husband carry his new wife in his arm to the car... I should have taken a picture, it was just too adorable.
Anyway, here is University 3rd ward representin' at G-Town temple.
Also you may not be able to notice, because Maddy is the goddess of photoshop, but she photoshopped herself into this photo (far left) because there was no one to take a photo of the whole group. So Maddy took the above photo and then I took a photo of her with the group, then just cut herself in.
I liked Maddy's comment: Arizona needs more clouds to make better pictures.

Also Maddy and I were accidentally on purpose twinning a little bit, so a picture was necessary... we probably should have taken it before our hair got gross because of lack of conditioner in the temple.

After our session we went to eat. Everyone went to Cafe Rio but I felt like being a rebel and went to firehouse subs where they thought my name was Sandy. 
After lunch we took a little detour to a bakery that Maddy used to work at when she was in high school. It's called The Sweet Tooth Fairy and it's in Gilbert. If you don't know what sugar smells like, I suggest going to this bakery. You will be overwhelmed by the smell and get a sugar rush just by the first smell. I got a half dozen cake bites and they were absolutely delicious.
Then we made our way back to Tucson.

At 7 I went to the institute for the Relief Society pre-dance dinner of taco salad. We made enough food for like 30 people and there were about 10 of us, so we could be very generous with our helpings.
After the dinner it was dance time! Tori was the DJ for the dance and she wins the best DJ ever award. Especially because she played Believe by Cher (a necessity in order for a dance to be deemed successful). 
Unfortunately I was pretty exhausted from the long day so Rory and I dipped a little bit early and ended up watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail at my house. 

It was the last fast & testimony meeting of the school year AND the last break the fast. It's weird to think the school year is actually coming to an end, and people that I have only recently become good friends with are leaving me because they are old and graduating. It's gonna be so weird next year with some of the institute classics leaving us (yes that includes you Cody). 

On a completely different note: I am writing an article about the the AZmerit standardized test being administered instead of that good ol' AIMs test. So I am looking for teachers, students, parents and anyone who has an opinion about it to either comment on this blog post, message me on facebook or email me your thoughts about it whether it be good or bad! I need all sorts of different sources with different occupations/backgrounds/ages/opinions, so if you're willing to be apart of my assignment I would be forever grateful. Thanks a bunch!

1 comment:

  1. Kay but really about the clouds! It would make things so much easier.
    Also I might be immune. I didn't even know Sweet Tooth Fairy smelled like straight up sugar. haha
