Stalker Archive

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Meet Heather

Since 1320 has adopted a new roomie for a few months, I figured it was appropriate to ask Heather McRae the same questions I asked my other roomies when we first moved in, and maybe even some more!
If you want a link to the old post here it is:

So meet Heather!

Q: Are you psychic in any way?
H: Yes, I always know when I'm hungry 

Q: When was the last time you cried?
H: Oh I remember, it was the Wednesday before New Years, so that would be the 31st of December. My throat hurt.

Q: Do you have kids?
H: No. 
(She thought about that for a second)

Q: Favorite smells
H: Mud, I love the smell of mud, I'm serious. It makes me feel like I want to eat it.And my second favorite smell is waffles, oh my gosh I love waffles.

Q: Tell me about your first kiss
H: Oh this is awkward because... Oh no. Uh.... I was 15 and we were hanging out at his house and I left my movie in the basement so I went to go get it and he came with me. He grabbed it before I could and held it high in the sky so I couldn't reach it and then he just kissed me.

Q: What's the first thing you notice about people?
H: Their teeth. And then their hair.

Q: What's your weird turn on for boys?
H: Singing. And forearm muscle

Q: What is your kryptonite?
H: Ice cream sandwiches (vanilla)

Q: What is the way to your heart?
H: If your name is Andrew Stockton then done... hahaha (that's her fiancés name). Probably. quality time. 

Q: What is your special talent?
H: Oh... uhm... being happy

Q: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
H: No. I'm not sure if I could. Have you ever seen the parasite video? That cured me for life from skinny dipping

Q: What is your favorite sound?
H: (Annabeth quacks) (Heather points) done. Uhm favorite sound... crunching ice. 

Q: Do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes?
H: Horizontal

Q: Celebrity crush and you can only choose one
H: Orlando Bloom. (Syd: Why?) Obvious reasons. I fell in love with him in Lord of the Rings.

Now Annabeth and Steph are feeling left out so I am going to ask more questions so they can all be included. Also Heather's stuffed Moose Sara is going to be joining in too apparently.

Q: Are you engaged? 
S: Yes... Sorry for not telling you mom.
A: Yes I'm engaged to Steph
Sa: Yes, also. I am engaged to Annabeth's bear Paolo

Q: What is your favorite TV show?
H: That's a hard one... I really like Merlin. I'm going to try and get you guys hooked on it.
S: Queer eye for the straight guy.
A: New Girl or How I Met Your Mother.
Sa: Forever

Q: Hike or bike?
H: Hike for sho
S: Hike!
A: Hiiike
Sa: Flop.

Q: What is your most embarrassing moment?
H: Oh please. When I was in the second grade I had to pee really bad but my whole class went to the library and I really needed to go to the bathroom but my teacher wouldn't let me because we were about to leave, so I went to an aisle in the library and peed and my mom had to bring me a change of clothes.
I'm sure there are more embarrassing things because I do that a lot.

S: Oh please. Three way tie between the time I pooped in California pizza kitchen, or the time I pooped in front of my class or the time I pooped my pants last school year. 

A: Hey remember that one time when Chris and I broke up and I hid under the sink to avoid him and I popped up casually and he saw me hiding. (It was very awkward)

Sa: When Steph front farted in front of me (which happened just now)

Q: What was your most rebellious act as a teen? 
H: I wasn't very rebellious but I did sneak out one night... or two or three. 
S: I lied to my parents about where I was and then snorted heroin... do you snort heroin?
A: Let me think. There was one time me and Chris went dancing in the park one time and it was a weird thing and we weren't supposed to be there past ten and the cops came and we got off with a warning.
Sa: One time Heather told me to get up out of bed and I didn't all day.

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
H: I love Scotland, I would go to Scotland. *Says Scotland with a Scottish accent*
S: Australia, Antarctica, South America
A: I think like Thailand, New Zealand or Wales 
Sa: Canada

Q: If you could domesticate any animal legally what would it be?
H: What the heck... A moose!
S: Easily, make hedgehogs legal in every state.
A: Wolf
Sa: Humans... also Moose

Q: If you could carry one picture with you for the rest of your life what would it be?
H: Just Andrew.
S: If I don't say a picture of me and my family am I a bad person? A picture of me when I'm naked and small and my mom put a "hooray" sticker on my crotch
A: My dog. She died a long time ago. I put little hair things on her.
Sa: Heather and Andrew

Q: What is your favorite item of clothing?
H: Sweaters.(Steph: that's not an item) This one (it's grey)
S: Can it be a pair of shoes? (Syd: sure) Probably my jeans
A: A pair of pants that I ordered 3 days ago that are supposed to come in this week.
Sa: This red ribbon/ scarf

Q: What animal would you be and why? 
H: I would be... a fish. It would be cool to swim everywhere and not panic in the water
S: Even though I hate birds, I think I would be some sort of outdoor bird so I can watch everybody from above
A: I think I would be a killer whale, so I could swim everywhere and not be afraid of someone killing me.
Sa: A moose.

Q: What is your favorite joke? 
H: I don't know any jokes. Uh...
S: So. There is this boy that comes to America from France and wants to learn english. He comes to school and his homework for the weekend was to go around town and learn new words and bring them back to the teacher. So he goes to the airport where he learns the word takeoff. Then he goes to the zoo and learns zebra. Then he goes to the hospital and learns the word baby.  And then on Monday he goes back to school and his teacher said, what words did you learn? "Take off zebra baby" (meant to be read and take off the bra baby)
A: Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper? He sold his soul to Santa..
Sa: Que hace el pez en el mar? NADA!

Q: Are you happy about the fact that Beyonce has more followers than Kendall Jenner?
H: Who is Kendall Jenner?
S: Yes, all hail Queen B.
A: I am ambivalent 
Sa: I like Justin Bieber but Beyonce will do. 

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