Stalker Archive

Monday, August 8, 2016

An OG Wedding

Monday, August 1
My apprenticeship professor is on vacation for a week and a half, so we didn't have class all of last week. So on Monday I got to sleep in a little bit... just kidding, Zach emailed bright and early in the morning so there was no sleeping in. 
In the afternoon I met Chastity on campus for an interview with these UA twins who were flying out to Rio to volunteer during the olympics. They get to a few olympic games with some of the Brazilians, which is too freaking cool if you ask me. Afterward Chastity and I went to the newsroom for a little bit, got some lunch and then relaxed at my house, and helped me come up with some ideas for one of the bachelorette party games.
In the evening we had EBoard and budget for the second to last production of the summer (which turned out to be the last production of the summer that I worked in the newsroom for, because I worked at home for Sunday's production), and then I went to FHE afterward where we were decorating cookies and pretzels with white chocolate. I did a lot more eating than I did decorating, but it was all a good time anyway.

Tuesday, August 2
My last in-the-office production for the summer. How exciting. I don't remember anything particularly that exciting happening on Tuesday, besides all the editors trying to help me come up with a headline for the Mike Pence rally photo spread. We kept trying to come up with that rhymed with Pence so it could be clever. "Build that fence, Pence" "Pence is Dense" "Does Mike Pence Make Any Sense?" those kinds of things, but we ended up going with "Fox Theatre presents Mike Pence" because it was the only normal one we could come up with that rhymed.
It was also raining during the day on Tuesday which was a little out of the ordinary, so that was refreshing... even though I was soaked walking from the Institute parking lot to the newsroom, because no amount of rain can make me pay for parking.
On Tuesday night, Steph and I decided to go to Reid Park for some pokemon hunting. Now I've been pokemon hunting at Reid Park during the day, and I've been hunting on the UA campus at night quite a few times, but I had never in all of my experience seen SO MANY people in one place at 9 pm. It was so insane. It was definitely a productive evening though, I caught 5 clefairy's and leveled up to level 20. Life is good.

Wednesday, August 3
Brett hired me to do some freelance work for the UA visitor guide, and I couldn't deny considering he would be paying me more than I make in a week working as a summer editor at the Daily Wildcat (that might seem like a glamorous thing... until you realize I only make $40 a week at the Wildcat in the summer... it's really not that hard to upstage that). The assignment was to take pictures at the A Store in Park Place Mall. It was pretty awkward because all the employees felt so awkward with me taking pictures of them, but it was also really funny because of how awkward it was. 
After taking pictures there and editing them, I got a call from Chastity to see if a photographer could go with a reporter to interview the new band director at the UA. I was available and didn't feel like pulling my photographer's teeth to get out there, so I went myself. He was a really cool guy, and the interview was very entertaining so I didn't mind at all. 
On Wednesday night I went with Ty and Steph to this cute little old lady's house to see if she could fix the zipper on my bridesmaids dress for Sadie's wedding. We had quite the experience with the zipper on Saturday trying to fix it, and only made it worse. Luckily Ty has got all the connections and found this lady for me, who was so sweet and so willing to help.

Thursday, August 4
I woke up early in the morning so I could walk Stephanie to school on her first day of student teaching so I could take a first day of school picture for her. Luckily, the school she will be working at this semester is just down the street from our house, so it wasn't a far walk at all and I just crawled right back into my bed when I got back home.
I spent quite a bit of time in the newsroom on Thursday trying to get as much of Sunday's production work done as I could, so I wouldn't have to physically be there. I also started working on my final essay for my apprenticeship class (which is something that I really should be working on instead of blogging, but alas, here am I). I also drove Laurel to get her hair dyed ever so spontaneously since she didn't have a car. While she was getting her hair done Courtney and I met at the newsroom for a photo editors meeting, to lay down the foundation for the fall semester and plan meetings and choose people to interview/hire and what not. It was a very productive meeting, and I am now very excited for the fall semester and working with Courtney.
After the meeting I picked Laurel up from her hair appointment (her hair looked awesome) and then I sat at my house for the rest of the night doing nothing that was particularly exciting.

Friday, August 5
This is when the blog is going to get a bit more exciting and more photos will start to appear. I apologize if the blog has been an eye sore up to this point.
Friday was my last work day at the Arizona Daily Star. I seriously cannot believe that the apprenticeship is coming to a close. I feel like I have done so much and yet nothing at all at the exact same time. There is so much that I have learned, but so much more than I want to learn. The summer went by way too fast, but I am so grateful for all the experiences and the opportunities that Star provided for me. So here are just a few of my favorite shots from the summer, as a little reminiscing moment for us all:

For my final work day Rick had me working all day long. I started out the day with Lauren (one of the other apprentices, and the former news editor at the Wildcat) going to a water audit up in Catalina Foothills at 7:30 AM. Unfortunately the people getting the audit did not want me photographing in the house so I was pretty limited on the shots I could get, but they were really nice people, so I kind of forgave them.

The audit lasted until nearly 9:30 am and afterward I went to the Star to edit the photos before I had to take a time-out at the Star to go to the final budget meeting for the Wildcat. Since I wasn't going to be at production on Sunday, I needed to be at budget so I could know all the photos that were needed. Usually I wouldn't take a time-out from the Star, but it was important today so I let it happen.
After the meeting I went on to my second assignment of the day, which was SO EXHILARATING.... it was taking pictures of people getting on and off busses at Ronstadt hahaha so not actually exhilarating at all, but oh well, I'll take all the clips I can get.

Afterward I went back to the Star to edit those photos. I also had the opportunity to talk with Rick about the summer and about life and the future in general. I have been very lucky to have such a cool person as my editor at my internship. He's always been willing to help me and offer critiques when I asked for them. The Star is seriously the

My final assignment of the day was to shoot the Arizona football practice. Rick sent me with the big guns, the 70-200 mm lens and the 400 mm lens (which probably weighs more than I do). The practice was delayed due to lightning, but Courtney was there for the Wildcat so she kept me entertained while we waited. Eventually the practice did start back up again, and I got to experiment with the monster 400 mm lens. It was challenging, but a good experience working with such heavy equipment. I am glad my final assignment was something pretty cool.

That spit though

After the media time was up at practice, I made my way back home with my monsters, edited the photos as quickly as I could and turned them in. Then I had to pack really quick for mine and Steph's weekend in Mesa, before we quickly drove to the Star to return the monsters and made our way to Mesa.

When we got to Mesa i was expecting to just take a quick shower and then go to sleep because Steph and I had to wake up in the morning for Annabeth's wedding. But I was foolish to expect there wouldn't be some partying when we arrived. We ended up going pokemon hunting and gym conquering with Scitt and Jonah. Mesa isn't nearly as popping as Reid Park was earlier in the week, but I still got a decent amount of pokemon, but nothing new or special. We had to get Jonah home by midnight, so we didn't stay out all that late, and I was able to shower and get to sleep before 1 am haha.

Saturday, August 6
Steph and I woke up pretty much at the same time (much earlier than we needed to) to get ready to be the world's most fierce bridesmaids. Avery was really concerned that Steph and I were wearing the same dress, she didn't really comprehend the whole idea of bridesmaids.
Steph and I ended up being pretty early at the temple so we waited around in the waiting room for a little while before the sealing was over. Eventually more and more people started to arrive, and we got our bouquets and flower crowns to finish off the whole bridesmaid look. Then the sealing was over and Annabeth became the first OG Beezie to get married!
Pictures were kind of a mess because of how hot it was outside. But one woman was a genius and brought a bunch of chinese fans for everyone to try and cool ourselves down with so we didn't look that sweaty in photos. 
I haven't seen the finished product of those photos yet, so the jury is still out as to whether or not I looked like I was glowing or sweating myself to death. But until then, here are some of the snapchats I took, none of which actually have AB in them, so keep scrolling if you want to see more of her:

After all the bridesmaids were dismissed from the little photo shoot, Steph and I went back to my house to cool down for a little bit before we went to the luncheon in San Tan Valley. We figured there wouldn't be any caffeine at the luncheon, and we both knew it would be a necessity, so Steph treated me to some Soda Rush before we went to the luncheon. Scitt accidentally gave us the wrong drinks, but Steph quickly corrected him and we got our correct drinks and were on our way (the real question of my life is why a mormon little soda shop would name a drink Black Hawk... it just never sounds right when you say it... but it's my favorite drink so I have to say it a lot haha).

The luncheon was so cute. There was delicious food, tender speeches, and my bffs Caroline and Carianne whom I met at AB's bridal shower the week prior. 
There were cards on each of the tables that instructed us to write down date ideas and advice on how to have a happy marriage. My table wrote down a bunch of joke ideas not knowing that these ideas and pieces of advice would be read out loud in front of everyone during the brunch. Luckily Annabeth's brother (the one who read them all out loud) did a good job avoiding some, or making our awkward ones seem funny.

After the luncheon there was a couple hour break before the reception began so we made our way back to my house to relax for a little bit. I had to go to the bank to cash a bond, and Kenzie needed to cash a check, and Steph came along for the ride. After the bank we went to Soda Rush for round 2. I treated Steph this time, and they gave us the correct drinks. So A+ Soda Rush. The black hawk was too good.

Eventually it was time to go back to the STV for the ring ceremony and the reception. They didn't hire anyone to take photos at the reception, so AB's Dad asked me if I could. Luckily, I was already planning an taking photos, so I wasn't blind sided by the request. 
They had the reception in a church as most mormons do, but it was the best decorated church I had ever seen, it was amazing! And there was dinner (I always vote that there should be food at weddings more than just desserts), and lots of dancing. It was a party rocking fun time. Here are some of the photos that I took at the reception:

There were a lot of the Tucson crew that showed up for the wedding. But the one I was most excited about was Lauren!! This was seriously one of the very few times that the four of us have actually gotten together since she moved out in 2014, it was an OG Beezie celebration of the century which definitely warranted a photo.
At the end of the reception there was a sparkler send off that was quite interesting. For some reason the sparklers all had paper wrapped around them, so when everyone lit them it got SO SMOKY, pretty much everyone was choking from all the smoke these sparklers generated. Poor AB had to walk through that haha.

I am so happy for Jordabeth! They threw one heck of a party, and I can't wait for them to have the cutest little unicorn babies. Annabeth was such a gorgeous bride, she set the standards pretty high for an OG beezie bride.

Sunday, August 7
After all the partying and wearing my wedges all day on Saturday (a sacrifice I had to make in order to be a fierce bridesmaid), my feet were KILLING me on Sunday, but I still managed to walk enough to make it to church. This was Sadie, Parker, and EJ's final Sunday in the meridian ward. Sadie and Parker were graduating from single's ward for good because they get married on Friday (ahhhhhh) and EJ is temporarily graduating since he is moving Italy for a year for grad school. It was a momentous enough occasion that we actually ended up staying all three hours, which is quite the accomplishment in the Meridian ward.
After church I had a lot of work I had to do for the Wildcat, which is proven to be hard to do when you're working in an energetic household like my home in Mesa... there is no such thing as a quiet moment or soft voices. But I did eventually get all my work done and could rejoin the chaos. 
We watched the High School Musical bad lip reading at least 2 times before lunch/dinner, if you haven't watched it, you're doing yourself a disservice. 
At night EJ had a going away party for his final night in Mesa. We watched the Bad Lip Reading another two more times during the party (do you think we like it or soemthing?), ate lots of cannolis and creme puffs, drank Italian soda, played lots of rounds of what if, and even got a couple of pictures of the whole party.
You might have noticed the strapping young man next to Lauren. That's her boyfriend and they're the most perfect couple in the world. I finally got to meet him tonight, even though I feel like I already knew him from reading Lauren's blogs haha.
After taking this photo the party cleared out a little bit, but that didn't mean the party was over. We still had a few more rounds of What If in us, and we took the obligatory artsy picture to send EJ off with. Thank goodness my family already had giant sparklers left over from the 4th of July.

To say EJ is loved and will be missed is such an understatement. He is always the life of the party, and everyone's favorite Richardson (okay maybe behind Avery). He is going to take Italy by storm, and I am only a little extremely jealous of him. Of course, Steph and I had to take a few more pics with our bff before we made our way back to Tucson late at night. Please appreciate the pose that Avery insisted upon doing, and Trev in the background

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