Friday February 5
So I am signed up for devotional on Friday's but I had not attended once until this past Friday. I don't plan on traveling a whoooole lot more [exception: Vegas next weekend] so I should be able to attend the class more often.
I was mostly super psyched on Friday because this would also be my first time I was available to dollar lunch. JOKES ON ME the institute has decided to have dollar lunch every other week.... woe is me people. Since I came on the off week, I tagged along with Steph to get lunch at Costco.
While we were at Costco we were thinking about how Ben Kevin needed a companion, so we searched up and down the aisles of Costco looking for giant bears, but alas there was none. My thought was that since it Valentine's day was drawing near that maybe the bears were sold out. So we decided to go to another Costco on the other side of town. Turns out Costco only sells such bears around Christmas time....... so much disappointment.
On Friday night Maddy invited me to go to a movie night at Sawyer's house. I really don't often hang out with people, so it was nice to not spend my Friday night on my couch watching Private Practice. The party people of the movie night: Sawyer, Maddy, Cameron, Peter Derek Bradshaw, Lorin, Davin, Davin's roommate, the offspring of Hayashi and of course myself. The movie of the night was Get Smart. Overall it was a pretty.... strange.... night but it was lots of fun. Lots of discussion on stripper names, measurement of a butt ton, playing Heads Up, and trying to watch a fictional movie with a bunch of science majors who like to say the unlikelihood of just about everything in the movie.
Also on Friday EJ sent me this gem:
I call it "Frankenstein's Mistress"
Saturday February 6
It was a super casual day. Steph and I went to lunch at Cane's, then she drove me to a library to get some footage for my broadcasting project. The rest of the day I worked on Wildcat stuff, binged Private Practice, did some homework and did my laundry. Seriously very casual.
Sunday February 7
One of my favorite days of the year: Super Bowl Sunday! Do I really care about the teams? Nope. But I do really care about my predictions poster. I also really enjoy picking a team to cheer for and then wearing their colors to church. Steph and I were both cheering for the Panthers, so we tried to get as close to their colors as we could. We got to church pretty early so every person that walked into the chapel we tried to guess who they were cheering for... it amazes me how few people even knew who was playing much less that the Super Bowl was that Sunday. Regardless, we liked to tell people who they were cheering for based on their colors.
Steph and I only went to Sacrament meeting so we could prep the house and the food for the party.
This year's super bowl predictors included: Steph, Annabeth, Zach, Jordan, Taylor, Natalie, Dakota, Tiana, Andrew, Maddy, Caroline, myself, and Rory [even though he was not physically present].
I ended up doing real terrible, I only got 2 predictions right. Natalie ended up winning, but she's especially the winner to me because she spelled Peyton Manning as Paton Manning. Steph and I seriously cannot stop cracking up about it.
Monday February 8
Steph Lauren Shaw's birthday! I wish that I didn't have work all day so I could've just celebrated with her, but alas work is an essential. After work though her and Annabeth picked me up and we went to Blanco for her birthday dinner. It was her 21st birthday, so obviously she needed a drink, but since she is a faithful mormon that drink was virgin, but exciting nonetheless! The best part is that since there is no alcohol in virgin drinks they cost half as much, who needs a buzz when you have extra money?
After dinner we went to Safeway to pick up some sparkling cider and then we came back to 1320 to take some shots and to eat some cake!
It wasn't the most celebratory day for her but she is having a party tomorrow and we are going to Vegas next weekend!
Some other exciting things on Monday:
McKenzie got accepted to UofA [because are you really a Richardson if you don't go here, our father would probably disown us]! I am excited for her to become a member of 1320, we will be like a real life sorority L O L.
I got a letter from Cob! I love missionary letters, especially when you least expect it!
Tuesday February 9
So Zach's mission call got assigned a week ago, so we have been waiting for the letter to arrive since then. On Tuesday I though the stars were aligning because the professor of my last class was sick and had to cancel class, which meant that I could get to ASAP after the class before so I could be there when Zach opened his call. No such luck. The call did not arrive. So I had all this extra time on Tuesday and didn't know what to do with it... so I watch Private Practice.
Wednesday February 10
I thought the stars were aligning even more today! My class today is with the same professor who was sick on Tuesday, so class was cancelled! Steph's study group [or whatever it was] got cancelled so she would be able to drive me. Zach was originally supposed to work on Wednesday night so he wouldn't have been able to have an opening soiree, but someone asked to trade shifts with him, so he ended up opening! Everything lined up perfectly to open the call... Oh except for the fact that the call didn't come. I am dying to know where he will be going, and I get so sad every time I get a text that says the call hasn't arrived. I'm really hoping it will come ASAP. I can't handle the wait, and neither can Zach!
Once again I had all this free time with my class being cancelled, so what have I been doing? Watching Private Practice. I live a productive life.
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