Stalker Archive

Sunday, February 22, 2015

When Zach Turned 19

This has been quite the stressful and week for me. I cracked my phone, I had two exams, I had to interview the chairwoman of the Tucson rodeo, I had 3 photo assignments for the Wildcat and of course had classes and work to add to the fun.
My week finally started to turn around on Thursday night after I took both my exams and photographed Beer Week at the Maker House that night. I rewarded myself with some hot munchies and a mountain dew. The stress of the week totally disappeared and I was ready to party during the weekend.
On Friday, Steph and I got free chipotle for touring an apartment complex we have no interest in moving into, EJ came to Tucson and we went to the hockey game. The only sad parts about Friday was that my birthday present for Zach came in the mail, but the package was empty, and U of A ended up losing to ASU at the hockey game. But to turn around that first unfortunate situation, I got another one shipped to me that same day and it has now arrived and will be mailed to Zach tomorrow.
On Saturday morning I woke up early and drove to Mesa to celebrate Zach's birthday. He had to take an exam that morning, but after he was finished he picked me up and we went to Krispy Kreme to get him a free doughnut. Unfortunately, Krispy Kreme was the only place that let him get his free stuff a whole day early, but at least he got a doughnut!
Afterwards we went to his house and we played a fun game of Liar's Dice with his brothers, Scitt and Jonah, and Jonah's friend Nate. I always like to sit to the right of Jonah in that game because he will never call my bluff, he's a good kid... and is freakishly good at that game.
After a round of Liar's Dice, Zach and I went to lunch at Native. This particular time was exciting because we got to play the trivia game on their tablets (before this day, we would have to play on our phones because they said the tablets were only for the bar), we also did really well at the trivia game in general. We went to bahama bucks afterwards to get shaved ice for him and Avery, because she asked so nicely earlier. Then we went to drop it off to her at my house, and hung out with my Mom and sisters for a little bit. Avery entertained us with all her new tricks and skills she has acquired the past week or so. These skills include, but are not limited to, her bear crawl, her jump in the air splits trick, and her speaking "spanish" and french. The spanish is in quotation marks because she keeps saying one word and tells us its spanish but none of us can figure out what it is.
The next adventure on his birthday day was a surprise for him. I gave him directions to drive to the ghosttown that is right next to the superstitions. We walked around the ghosttown for a little bit and then I brought him to his surprise, THE SUPERSTITION ZIPLINE. I don't know how many of you have experienced this zipline, but it's freaking awesome and a total thrill.

After that super fun adventure we were on an "adrenaline rush" but didn't do anything about it, just talked about how awesome the roller coasters are at six flags.
We went back to his house and I wanted to sit outside because of how nice it was. We watched Jonah and his friends play basketball. It was bugging Zach how old the net is on the hoop, and so since he had a Dick's gift card, we went to go buy the hoop a new net. While we were at Santan mall we went to Auntie Anne's to get some pretzel bites and we walked around the mall a little bit and didn't end up getting anything but it was nice outside so it was fun.
At night we watched the Arizona v. UCLA basketball game at his house. McKenzie and Avery were also at his house hanging out with Scott. During the game McKenzie was very focused on balancing dice on a popsicle stick being held in her mouth, I believe she ended up stacking 10 or so. Avery also was focused on stacking dice, and mastered balancing one.
So funny story that happened this night. Avery was playing with some building blocks on the table in front of me and Zach, who were watching the game. She suddenly turns around and says "I'm going to kick your ass" very calmy and nicely. I was so shocked I started to laugh but told her that she couldnt says bad words like that and then everyone kept asking what she said, so she got super embarrassed, so McKenzie had to take her home. That night I told my parents about it, and I told Avery that she should probably tell mom about it, so she sits on top of a counter and ever so innocently confesses to her mother that she said a bad word. It was so tender, but my Dad was cracking up to make the situation a little less tender. On Sunday morning, Avery was getting mad at my Dad for something and he said "What are you going to do Avery, are you going to kick something" and she said "I'm going to kick your attitude" absolutely hilarious.

So Sunday was Zach's actual birthday, so I went over to his house for lunch with his family. When I got there, the food wasn't quite ready yet, so Zach opened his present from my family and he played a little bit of basketball with Jonah.

For lunch we had steak, twice baked potatos, corn on the cob, salad and crescents. Shout out to Pam and Thane for the rocking meal, it was top notch. We all went around the table and said what we liked about Zach, which ended up being stories about him from when he was younger. 
After lunch all the Walton's and myself gathered around to play a couple games of Liars Dice. I won the first game, but was the first person out on the second game (because I wasn't sitting to the right of Jonah, I tell ya that is the golden seat. 
After the game I stayed a little while longer, watched a couple episodes of friends, sang Happy Birthday to Zach, took a few pictures, but then it was time for me to head back home to my parents house and then back home to Tucson not too long afterwards.

Since it is Zach's birthday, I figured it would be appropriate to do 19 things I love about him!

1: He's very creative. When I was a sophomore in high school we were in the same seminary class and I would make him write me stories. They would always be the most random stories in the world, but they were always hilarious. 
2: He's crazy smart. When he was taking tests for CGCC he did so fantastic on all of them he ended up getting a scholarship.
3: He is such a goofball and he always keeps me laughing. 
4: He lets me take him shopping and will try on any clothes I want him to.
5: He has a great work ethic, and is bahama bucks number one employee (not biased at all)
6: Even though he is no die hard U of A fan, he will watch the games with me, and comfort me when we lose.
7: He doesn't let anyone tell him what to believe. He goes and makes his own opinions and finds things out on his own.
8: He is incredibly stubborn, and loves being right just as much as I do. 
9: He's very generous! I mean he took me to Disneyland for crying out loud.
10: He is so kind to my sisters, he has on many occasions brought McKenzie a dc to school, and a bahama bucks shaved ice to Avery. 
11: Whenever I am stressed (which is often) he always helps me see the positive in things and keeps my eyes on the bigger picture.
12: He is very supportive of me and my ambitions.
13: He is quite tall, which is a bonus to the gene pool ;)
14: He's like a superpsychic and can always tell when something is wrong, and always wants to make me feel better as soon as possible.
15: When he has the motivation, nothing can stop him from getting what he wants.
16: He plans out the most perfect surprises for me that are so thoughtful and make me want to cry.
17: He is incredibly trustworthy, I know I can tell him absolutely anything, and I pretty much do.
18: He loves moutain dew just as much as I do, but he is much better at knowing his limits.
19: Whether I am in Tucson or I am in Mesa, he never fails to put a smile on my face.
I am incredibly lucky to have such an amazing guy in my life and I thank my lucky stars everyday for him. #erkaerkashmerka

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