Stalker Archive

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Mount Friendship

Monday, October 31
Happy halloween! Halloween is kind of sad in college because even though you'll see the random kid dressed up, there's not really that goes on on the actual day of halloween. I was working/in class for most of the day. But I did go to chipotle with Steph, McKenzie, Jenny and Derrick in our costumes to get a $3 boorito. The line was actually not as long as I was expecting it to be so it was a win win all around. It was too crowded in chipotle so we took our food to Twirls (formally known as U Swirl) for Elder Farnworth's going away party fun time.
After saying our goodbyes Kenzie, Derrick, Jenny and I went to Reid Park to play some Pokemon one last time before the halloween special was over. Whenever Kenzie and Jenny come with me and Derrick to play they never actually hang out with us, but they come anyway for a good stroll.

Tuesday, November 1
The first day of the greatest month in the world! You guys seriously don't understand how crazy the month of November is going to be, I am doing something/going home just about every single weekend. It's going to be the best time and also the worst time for my schooling... but that's a sacrifice I am willing to make for a fun time. So just stay tuned this month and then you can stop reading my blog forever.
For Dollar Lunch the institute was serving Sheppard's pie which was pretty underwhelming for me, so Derrick, Andy and I went to Cane's to use our free Cat's Combo from athletics. I usually just automatically delete my Athletics emails because they send way too many but that's what my freshman friends are for. Thanks to Kara she told us that they sent out a free Cane's coupon, and we were all able to eat happily.
I finally gave my presentation in my RPA class. I was actually sleeping 2 minutes before I had to present, so I wasn't paying all that much attention but I did wake up just in time to be called on to go next, so no harm done. 
Tuesday was my first night at the Wildcat that I stayed past 7 pm. I have been blessed up until this point to not have had to deal with turn around stories, but now it's all catching up on me this week. Tuesday's turn around story was the first UA basketball game of the season. I am not the biggest fan of living at the Wildcat, but it wasn't all that terrible on Tuesday. But really the best part is now that Zach's home I actually have someone to talk to while I walk home at night. That's really all that boyfriends are for.

Wednesday, November 2
Wednesday afternoon was actually quite exciting because I took Steph's graduation photos and part two of Ciara's photos. We met up at 4:30 which was a much better plan than the 6pm I told Ciara on Sunday. Sometimes I really hate taking people's posed photos for big life events like this, because it's really just too much pressure on me, but I was really happy with how they turned out. 
We started off at Old Main:


And then we made our way to the education building:

And of course these cute friends deserved some photos with each other:

and then we parted ways with Ciara so I could take some "joke" photos of Steph at the institute, which are still in the process of being edited. So watch out for those photos.

After I was done taking all the pictures I went to the Wildcat for EBoard and Budget.

Then I came home super heated and annoyed with all sorts of things, and Steph wasn't high on life either so we decided it would be best if we buy some cheap plates from Goodwill and throw them at our fence for some plate destroying therapy. Kenzie, Jenny and Derrick joined the party too. Destroying plates is a lot louder than I had anticipated, and Sam came outside so confused what was going on... it was pretty funny. Overall a very good idea, much needed release of my anger and annoyances.

Thursday, November 3
Thursday morning I was lucky enough to hang out with AJ again. Colleen gave me a special assignment to take photos of all the students to update the website, and AJ was my designated assistant and handled all the logistics. Here are a few of the photos we caught:

After work I went into the Wildcat and stayed there until pretty much the end of the day. It was yet another turn around day for the Daily Wildcat which meant another late night for Sydney. Two in one week... not my cup of tea, but that's the news business for ya. This weeks turn arounds were a Tim Kaine rally as well as an astronaut lecture on campus. I got all of the other photos done really early so I spent most of my time at the Wildcat editing photos of Project FOCUS, Steph and Ciara. I believe that my biggest selling point as a photographer is how quickly I can edit photos and then return them to the customer. If I ever sell out and become a portrait photographer you already know that's how I am going to drive all my customers in. 

Friday, November 4
Friday was quite the exciting day.
I started off the day learning what to do if you're stuck in a middle of a lightning storm, here is Chase's demonstration:
Then I went to devotional and learned about charity and love. Then Brittany, Abby, Steph, Derrick and I went to Cane's to use the free coupons (yes, that would be my second time going this week, but I have no shame when it comes to free chicken fingers).

Then we all (minus Abby) went to Target for some last minute snack and essential shopping and then it was time for MOUNT FRIENDSHIP!
Kara's parents are just about the coolest around. They rented out a cabin on Mt Lemmon for Kara so they could meet her friends. I think there were 18 people there total (though not all at one time) and it was such a party.
Steph, Kenzie, Jenny and I were the first ones to arrive after Kara's parents so we were the first to scope out the cabin and decide where to sleep. We knew there was a limited amount of beds so we brought our bears along so we could just sleep on them instead.
Eventually more people started to arrive and we started playing games.
We played 5 Second Rule (Steph is only a little competitive at this game) and then we took a quick recess to eat some delicious enchiladas. And then we played some more 5 Second Rule and then transitioned to a new game that Andy introduced us to called Watch Ya Mouth. The gist of it is to get people to guess the crazy phrase you are seeing with this crazy orthodontist thing in your mouth. It was SUCH a struggle to talk with them (literally no one could understand what I was saying) but it made for some really hilarious photos.

And then some people thought it would be smart to drink some water with these things in their mouth. It was pretty hilarious because they all thought it was easy at first and they thought they got all the water down, but then it would all come rushing out of their mouths... tooo funny.

Afterward we played a few rounds of Werewolf, but the game made people a little too frustrated so we ended it after three rounds. 

Then we all just hung out for awhile, eating snacks, drinking hot chocolate, slapping whipped cream into our mouths and then having a boyfriend lick it off... you know the usual cabin activity.

Then Kara turned on Harry Potter and that's when things started to mellow down around the cabin. I didn't watch much of it because it was too crowded downstairs, so I partied it up in the loft... and by partied it up, I mean went to sleep.

Saturday, November 5
I woke up pretty early because when you're in the woods it's truly impossible to sleep in. I was up before a lot of people so I took the liberty of taking the first shower, and then once I got out everyone slowly started to wake up. We all relaxed for awhile, had some interesting conversations, took a breath of the fresh air, ate some breakfast, and then it was time for the REAL fun of the day. 
For awhile now Travy has wanted to do a male model photoshoot. But we have never gotten our crap together to actually do it. But we figured Mount Friendship would be the perfect opportunity. So I brought all my equipment and he brought all of his props (including a speedo, but don't worry those photos are strictly not allowed on the internet). We walked down a massive hill (which we later regretted when we had to return back to the cabin) to get to all the good spots. I really can't describe the amount of fun we had taking these photos, but you will just have to imagine by looking at the photos yourself. Of course Travy was the main event of the photoshoot, but no one can resist some good wilderness photos, so I ended up taking photos of pretty much everyone:

Andigail is just the cutest

But not as cute as Andrick

Probably my favorite picture from the entire shoot

Then we had to start our journey up the treacherous hill that we went down for the photos. 
I edited my photos pretty quickly while I ate some lunch. Then Abby and Brittany graced the crowd with their beautiful voices and guitar playing skills. It was pretty much just a relaxing afternoon after that. I hung out with the peeps, took a short nap and then all of a sudden it was time for us to leave. The Beezies also took home hot Talia and Jacob so I sat in the trunk, which did make me feel car sick but it was also nice because I could lay down and sleep if I wanted to (even though I couldn't).

It was probably the greatest getaway trip I have had in awhile and it's all thanks to Kara and her rocking parents. I think I was pretty weirded out by the idea at first, but it was seriously so much fun. A great start to the party that is November.

When we got back to Tucson the roomies and I went to chipotle for dinner and then I worked and FaceTimed Zach for the rest of the evening.

Sunday, November 6
Today I went to church but had to leave early because I am covering for Courtney at the Wildcat today... and you guessed it, it's yet another turn around day. It's happyville all around here hahah. Today's turn around that is keeping me here late is All Soul's Procession, so at least I know I will be looking at good photos late at night tonight.

The saddest part of today is that it is my dear mother's birthday, and I couldn't make it up to the valley to celebrate with her. BUT I am going to the valley tomorrow so I will be sure to make it up to her then. But I am jsut going to take a moment here on my blog to wish my amazing mother a happy birthday. There is no way in heck that I would be the person I am today without her influence. She was pretty convinced that she was destined to never have a girl due to her own rocky relationships, but I am so grateful that God had a different plan and let me be her daughter. She's the greatest mom, friend and supporter and I can count on her to be on my team for pretty much anything. She's my role model, the person I cry to on the phone the most, and the one person in the world who RARELY annoys me. If there is anyone that epitomizes the phrase "if you want to have fun, bring it." I mean how many moms do you know that would drive two of their kids (one of them as an 11 year old) to Las Vegas to see a Spice Girls Reunion concert, or would take her daughters to camp outside of Scottsdale mall all night to meet two of the lamest Twilight characters? She's the coolest, hands down. And I only hope to be as cool of a mom as she is someday! Happy birthday mama, I love you!!

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