Stalker Archive

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Finally Summer

It's been summer for almost two months for me, but this was the first week that it's actually felt like summer. I've been go-go-go since I left for Italy, never really feeling like I have a break. To me, summer is a break, it's lazy days, it's playing it by ear days, it's going to the movies because it's too hot outside to do anything, it's hanging with friends days, summer is not go-go-go for me. So now it officially feels like summer. And since it's a lazy summer, I think it's fitting to have a lazy blog post.

Monday: I went swimming with Avery. Zach and I went to dinner at Joe's Farm Grill and saw Jurassic Park

Avery was very fascinated about her skin peeling from her burn

Tuesday: I saw Trevor for the first time since he's been home from his mission. The fam got together and went bowling, watched Family Feud, played super smash bros and Mario Kart.

We also recreated an old fam pic....

Wednesday: I hung out with Trevor, Cob and Zach and helped make Cob's mission farewell event on facebook (I thought the description was pretty funny, we make a good team). I also had chipotle for the first time since being home.... and I did not get good service.... but the food was good anyway.

Thursday: Avery spent the day with me and Zach's family going swimming and playing games. She's totally developed a little crush on Jonah (Zach's youngest brother). He was awesome with Avery and just let her boss him around and was content with it.

Friday: My mom took me and my sister to go see Inside Out (I cried for a solid majority of it, but I still loved it)

Saturday: Zach and I went to Superior, Miami, Globe, Show Low, Taylor, Snowflake and Holbrook as part of my 91AZ15 goal.

I've got a pretty rad boyfriend who not only drives me around to help me with my goal, but lets me take thousands of pictures and videos of him.

Superior, AZ

Globe, AZ

Show Low, AZ

Taylor, AZ

Snowflake, AZ

Holbrook, AZ

I have been to 22 of the 91 incorporated cities... I got to start picking up the pace!

Sunday: Cob's mission farewell! He wrote an amazing talk. I know he is going to be an even more amazing missionary. I was so full of the spirit the entire meeting. Before today I hadn't been to church in a month and a half just because I didn't have the opportunity to. Made me realize how much I take advantage of being able to go to a church building with people of my same faith every single Sunday.
Everyone wore red except for Trevor... silly Trev

Tonight is Cob's open house and a fireside with Al Fox Carraway an I'm so excited!
I love summer!

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